This afternoon I received the publisher's galley of Minotaur, which will be released May 15
by eXtasy books. It's exciting to see the book in final form, but in a way it's
also distressing. Preparation of a galley is a lot of work for the editor. An
author who suggests very many changes at this point is risking the editor's
displeasure. Revising a line or two can require resetting several pages. So of
course, once my story is more or less set in electronic stone, I can't help
but notice all kinds of things I'd really, really love to do differently. I let
them pass. All I noted for correction were two minor typos, and I felt guilty
about that.
When I started Minotaur, all I knew was that the main character would be a guy in
a bull mask. I lifted the idea from the book I had just finished writing, Clytie (eXtasy Books, April 15, 2012).
In Clytie, the appearance of the minotaur
at an orgy is the signal for the partygoers to go wild. I had no idea when I
started writing Minotaur that it
would generate material for the five additional stories of The Fair Warrior Chronicles.
The cave in Crete, the friends who entered it, the magical gifts (or curses)
they received, and the way their stories would work into a larger conflict and cause
them to become the Fair Warriors were all waiting to be discovered. I'm having
a great time writing the series. I hope readers will enjoy it.
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